NEDDC Clay Cross Anti-Social Behaviour Consultation 2023 - Summary Report

A consultation for North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC)
Closed 31 December 2023
Opened 1 November 2023


Richard Shaw
Improvement Officer


  • Status: statusclosed
  • Host Authority: authned
  • Why Consult?:

    North East Derbyshire District Council are putting extra resources into helping our communities and tackling anti-social behaviour by appointing a new Anti-Social Behaviour Officer.

    This new officer will be a visual presence working alongside the police and other partners to work with residents, businesses and communities to help tackle issues in that area, undertake low level enforcement and look at education and diversionary activities.

  • Audience: All
  • Categories: Other
  • Start Date: 2023-11-01
  • End Date: 2023-12-31
  • Results Date: 2024-01-31
  • Contact Name: Richard Shaw
  • Job Title: Improvement Officer
  • Department: Performance
  • Survey Links:
    • Link Text: NEDDC Clay Cross Anti-Social Behaviour Consultation 2023, Link URL:

This consultation is aimed at Clay Cross residents and businesses, with a view to ascertain how safe people are feeling in their local area, whether they have witnessed anti-social behaviour themselves and if they are aware how to report incidents to the council.

Why we are Consulting

North East Derbyshire District Council are putting extra resources into helping our communities and tackling anti-social behaviour by appointing a new Anti-Social Behaviour Officer.

This new officer will be a visual presence working alongside the police and other partners to work with residents, businesses and communities to help tackle issues in that area, undertake low level enforcement and look at education and diversionary activities.